DiscoverThe Megyn Kelly ShowColbert Audience Laughs at CNN, Walz's Outrageous COVID Crackdowns, and Previewing Trump vs. Harris Debate, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 861
Colbert Audience Laughs at CNN, Walz's Outrageous COVID Crackdowns, and Previewing Trump vs. Harris Debate, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 861

Colbert Audience Laughs at CNN, Walz's Outrageous COVID Crackdowns, and Previewing Trump vs. Harris Debate, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 861

Update: 2024-08-147


The episode begins with an introduction to the Megan Kelly Show and a brief update on the 2024 presidential race. New reporting from Cook Political Report suggests that VP Kamala Harris has closed the gap with former President Trump in battleground states. The hosts discuss the reasons behind Kamala Harris's recent surge in popularity, questioning whether it's genuine or a result of media manipulation. They also discuss the controversy surrounding Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, Harris's running mate, and his response to accusations of stolen valor. The hosts delve into the accusations of stolen valor against Tim Walz, focusing on his claims of being a retired command sergeant major despite only reaching the rank of E8. They discuss the implications of this controversy and how it might affect the Harris campaign. The hosts debate the double standard of scrutiny applied to military veterans who run for office. They argue that while some scrutiny is warranted, excessive scrutiny can be unfair and partisan. They also discuss the emotional response of a retired US Army officer to Walz's alleged stolen valor. The hosts analyze the political implications of the stolen valor controversy, particularly in relation to the upcoming election. They discuss how the controversy might affect the campaigns of both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and how it could be used as a political attack by the Trump campaign. The hosts shift their focus to Tim Walz's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, criticizing his handling of the situation and his policies, particularly those related to lockdowns and law enforcement. They argue that his actions during this time could be a major liability for the Harris campaign. The hosts discuss the potential impact of the stolen valor scandal on the upcoming election. They argue that while Walz's actions might not directly affect Harris's campaign, they could be a major factor if he were at the top of the ticket. They also analyze the effectiveness of a political ad targeting Walz's military record. The hosts discuss the importance of effective political ads and how they can be used to sway voters. They analyze the effectiveness of a recent ad targeting Tim Walz's military record and discuss how similar ads could be used to highlight the shortcomings of other candidates. The hosts argue that Tim Walz's most significant vulnerability lies not in his military record but in his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. They discuss the public's negative perception of his actions during this time and how it could be used against him in the upcoming election. The hosts advocate for a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They argue that such a commission is necessary to provide a clear and accurate account of events and to address the public's concerns about the pandemic's handling. The hosts discuss the importance of transparency and accountability in government, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. They argue that the public deserves to know the truth about the government's actions and that a truth and reconciliation commission could help to achieve this. The hosts explore the connection between the government's COVID-19 policies and the January 6th insurrection. They discuss how the policies, particularly those related to lockdowns and business closures, contributed to the anger and frustration that fueled the insurrection. The hosts emphasize the importance of strong leadership in times of crisis, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. They argue that voters should consider a candidate's judgment and ability to handle difficult situations when making their decision. The hosts discuss the left's continued denial of the government's overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic. They argue that the left's refusal to acknowledge their mistakes could be a major factor in the upcoming election. The hosts analyze the left's justification for the COVID-19 lockdowns, arguing that they believe their actions were necessary and justified. They discuss how the left has framed any opposition to their policies as conspiracy theories and lunacy. The hosts discuss the Trump campaign's need for message discipline in order to win the upcoming election. They argue that the campaign needs to focus on key issues like the economy and immigration and avoid distractions like crowd size controversies. The hosts discuss Trump's recent campaign struggles, particularly his lack of focus and discipline. They argue that his recent behavior is reminiscent of his 2016 campaign and that it could cost him the election. The hosts discuss the potential impact of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s candidacy on the upcoming election. They argue that his candidacy could benefit Trump by drawing votes away from Kamala Harris, particularly among independent voters. The hosts reiterate the need for Trump to focus on key issues like the economy and immigration and avoid distractions like crowd size controversies. They argue that his recent behavior is not helping his campaign and that he needs to be more disciplined. The hosts discuss the frenetic nature of the 2024 election, highlighting the wild swings in the political landscape and the unpredictable nature of the race. They argue that the campaign is unlike any they have seen before. The hosts argue that the Trump campaign needs to move beyond complaining about Kamala Harris's inaccessibility and the media's bias. They believe that this strategy is not effective and that Trump needs to focus on winning over voters. The hosts discuss Trump's recent comments about Kamala Harris's appearance, arguing that they are misogynistic and disrespectful. They criticize the media's reaction to his comments, which they believe is overly sympathetic to Harris. The hosts discuss the media's bias and the decline of late-night comedy. They argue that late-night shows have become overly partisan and that they no longer provide objective commentary on political issues. The segment begins with a discussion about Don Lemon's coverage of the news, specifically his questioning of JD Vance's sexuality. The conversation then shifts to the use of the egg emoji in online discussions, with a trans friend of the host providing insight into its meaning. The discussion focuses on Tim Walz's policies, particularly his stance on transgender issues and his removal of a line from Minnesota's human rights law that explicitly excluded pedophiles from its protections. The host argues that Walz's actions are harmful to children and that his policies are driven by radical ideology. The conversation explores the impact of culture war issues on politics, specifically the potential for these issues to influence the upcoming election. The host believes that while issues like tampons in boys' bathrooms may not be the most important, they can still sway voters and create a sense of unease about the direction of the culture. The host anticipates the upcoming debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz, suggesting that it will be more traditional than a Trump debate. The host also discusses Kamala Harris's performance in the vice presidential debate, noting that she was more polished than her usual self but still came across as condescending. The conversation revisits the 2020 presidential debate, specifically the moment when Donald Trump refused to condemn white supremacists. The host criticizes Trump's actions and argues that he lacked the courage to be a leader. The discussion then shifts to Kamala Harris's performance in the debate, with the host finding her to be annoying and condescending. The host emphasizes the importance of truth and respect in politics, arguing that leaders should tell the American people the truth, even if it's uncomfortable. The host also criticizes the use of canned lines in debates, arguing that they make politicians look insincere. The host discusses the censorship of a Ronald Reagan biopic on Facebook, arguing that it's a sign of the platform's overcautiousness in the wake of the 2016 election. The host believes that Facebook's actions are based on a lie that the platform influenced the outcome of the election and that they are now overly cautious to avoid further blame. The host discusses the Democratic National Convention and the list of influencers invited to attend. The host expresses concern about the inclusion of Jeffrey Marsh, a non-binary influencer who promotes controversial views on gender and sexuality. The host believes that Marsh's presence is a mistake and that the Democrats have made a misstep in trying to be inclusive. The host announces the launch of her Patreon, a platform where fans can pay for exclusive content and private communication. The host emphasizes that it's not an \"OnlyFans\" platform but a way for her to connect with her audience on a more personal level.


The 2024 Presidential Race: Harris's Rise and Walz's Controversy

This episode delves into the 2024 presidential race, analyzing Kamala Harris's rising popularity, Tim Walz's stolen valor controversy, and the impact of COVID-19 policies on the political landscape.

Kamala Harris's Popularity and Media Manipulation

The hosts discuss the reasons behind Kamala Harris's recent surge in popularity, questioning whether it's genuine or a result of media manipulation.

Tim Walz's Stolen Valor Controversy

The hosts delve into the accusations of stolen valor against Tim Walz, focusing on his claims of being a retired command sergeant major despite only reaching the rank of E8.

Scrutiny of Military Veterans in Politics

The hosts debate the double standard of scrutiny applied to military veterans who run for office.

Political Implications of the Stolen Valor Controversy

The hosts analyze the political implications of the stolen valor controversy, particularly in relation to the upcoming election.

Tim Walz's Leadership During the Pandemic

The hosts shift their focus to Tim Walz's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, criticizing his handling of the situation and his policies.

Impact of Tim Walz's Scandal on the Election

The hosts discuss the potential impact of the stolen valor scandal on the upcoming election.

Importance of Effective Political Ads

The hosts discuss the importance of effective political ads and how they can be used to sway voters.

Tim Walz's Vulnerability in the 2020 Record

The hosts argue that Tim Walz's most significant vulnerability lies not in his military record but in his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

The Need for a COVID-19 Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The hosts advocate for a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Importance of Transparency and Accountability

The hosts discuss the importance of transparency and accountability in government, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Impact of COVID-19 Policies on the January 6th Insurrection

The hosts explore the connection between the government's COVID-19 policies and the January 6th insurrection.

Importance of Leadership in Times of Crisis

The hosts emphasize the importance of strong leadership in times of crisis, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Left's Denial of COVID-19 Overreach

The hosts discuss the left's continued denial of the government's overreach during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Left's Justification for COVID-19 Lockdowns

The hosts analyze the left's justification for the COVID-19 lockdowns, arguing that they believe their actions were necessary and justified.


Stolen Valor

The act of falsely claiming to have received military decorations or honors, or to have served in the military when one has not. It is considered a serious offense, often carrying legal penalties.

Kamala Harris

The current Vice President of the United States, serving under President Joe Biden. She is a former Senator from California and Attorney General of California.

Tim Walz

The current Governor of Minnesota, serving as Kamala Harris's running mate in the 2024 presidential election. He is a former US Representative from Minnesota.

Cook Political Report

A nonpartisan political newsletter and website that provides analysis and predictions on elections and political trends. It is known for its accurate predictions and its focus on data-driven analysis.

COVID-19 Pandemic

A global pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which emerged in late 2019. The pandemic has had a significant impact on public health, the economy, and society worldwide.

January 6th Insurrection

A riot that took place at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. The insurrection was fueled by false claims of election fraud and resulted in the deaths of five people.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

An American environmental activist and author who is running for president in the 2024 election. He is known for his skepticism of vaccines and his opposition to government overreach.

Message Discipline

The ability of a political campaign to control its messaging and avoid distractions. It is considered essential for success in elections, as it allows a campaign to focus on key issues and avoid making mistakes that could alienate voters.


  • What are the main reasons behind Kamala Harris's recent surge in popularity?

    The hosts speculate that Harris's popularity surge might be due to media manipulation and a carefully crafted image, rather than genuine public support. They question whether her policies are truly resonating with voters or if the media is simply portraying her in a more favorable light.

  • What are the accusations of stolen valor against Tim Walz?

    Walz has been accused of falsely claiming to be a retired command sergeant major, despite only reaching the rank of E8. He has also been accused of exaggerating his military service record and avoiding deployment to Iraq.

  • How might the stolen valor controversy affect the Harris campaign?

    The hosts believe that the controversy could be a major liability for the Harris campaign, particularly among military families and veterans. They argue that the controversy could damage Harris's image and make her appear untrustworthy.

  • Why do the hosts believe that Tim Walz's most significant vulnerability lies in his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic?

    The hosts argue that Walz's actions during the pandemic, particularly his strict lockdowns and his handling of law enforcement, have left a negative impression on many voters. They believe that this could be a major factor in the upcoming election.

  • What is the hosts' argument for a COVID-19 truth and reconciliation commission?

    The hosts believe that such a commission is necessary to provide a clear and accurate account of the government's response to the pandemic and to address the public's concerns about the handling of the situation. They argue that the commission could help to restore trust in government and provide closure for those who were affected by the pandemic.

  • What is the significance of Don Lemon's questioning of JD Vance's sexuality?

    Don Lemon's questioning of JD Vance's sexuality is seen as an example of how personal attacks are being used in political discourse. The host argues that this type of attack is unfair and that it distracts from the real issues at stake.

  • What is the impact of Tim Walz's policies on children?

    The host argues that Tim Walz's policies, particularly his stance on transgender issues and his removal of protections for pedophiles, are harmful to children. The host believes that these policies are driven by radical ideology and that they put children at risk.

  • How do culture war issues influence politics?

    Culture war issues, such as the debate over transgender rights and the use of tampons in boys' bathrooms, can have a significant impact on politics. The host believes that these issues can sway voters and create a sense of unease about the direction of the culture.

  • What is the significance of Facebook's censorship of the Ronald Reagan biopic?

    Facebook's censorship of the Ronald Reagan biopic is seen as a sign of the platform's overcautiousness in the wake of the 2016 election. The host believes that Facebook's actions are based on a lie that the platform influenced the outcome of the election and that they are now overly cautious to avoid further blame.

  • What is the impact of Jeffrey Marsh's presence at the Democratic National Convention?

    The host believes that Jeffrey Marsh's presence at the Democratic National Convention is a mistake and that the Democrats have made a misstep in trying to be inclusive. The host argues that Marsh's controversial views on gender and sexuality are not representative of the majority of Americans and that his inclusion could alienate voters.

Show Notes

Megyn Kelly is joined by Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch, co-hosts of The Fifth Column podcast, to discuss the questions surrounding Tim Walz’s military record and “stolen valor,” how Walz is barely addressing the controversy now, how the Harris-Walz campaign is avoiding the media, Walz’s draconian COVID policies could be the policy that hurts him most in 2024, how he jailed his own citizens related to COVID crackdowns, Gen Z TikTok'ers who say Tim Walz is their new dad, the latest 2024 polls that show a positive trajectory for VP Kamala Harris, Trump’s ongoing obsession with the crowd sizes at Harris’ rallies, why Trump needs to focus his strategy more on message discipline, the media’s insane coverage of Trump’s joke that Kamala looked like Melania on the Time Magazine cover, Stephen Colbert's audience laughing when he called CNN objective, Don Lemon questioning JD Vance's sexuality on his podcast, Harris’ best and worst debate moments from 2020, what we can expect when Harris debates Trump next month, Facebook censoring "Reagan" movie ads, and more. 

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Colbert Audience Laughs at CNN, Walz's Outrageous COVID Crackdowns, and Previewing Trump vs. Harris Debate, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 861

Colbert Audience Laughs at CNN, Walz's Outrageous COVID Crackdowns, and Previewing Trump vs. Harris Debate, with The Fifth Column | Ep. 861
